4,99 € 2,99 €
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Easy Lak is the most easy and immediate solution to turn your adhesive film from Matte to Gloss.
Artesive Easy Lak is a transparent acrylic spray that when applied on the opaque film, making it shiny and bright. Easy to use, just apply it after laying the film. It adheres quickly and dries in a few hours.
One of the risks of using an already glossy adhesive film is to scratch or damage during the application phase. These in fact are often very sensitive and in most cases recommended for only on flat surfaces applications. With Easy Lak these problems disappear, because you can play your items with any Artesive self-adhesive film and then apply the spray just where you want.
The advantages of Easy Lak are many:
Studied by Artesive, Easy Lak is produced in collaboration with a leading company in the paint industry in spray, Easy Lak has been tested on our films and has achieved excellent results in terms of maintenance and durability.
How much can I make shiny surface with a can of Easy Lak?
This depends on several factors. Each can contains 400ml of product and of medium is suitable to make up to 2mq glossy surface. Obviously, based on how many steps you do, your experience and the type of gloss effect that you want to donate to the film, this reference may change.
Technical Features Easy Lak:
– Content: 400ml
– Application: spray
– Color: Clear Gloss
– Drying time: 15 minutes approx to the touch. 45 minutes in depth. 24 hours for a complete drying
– Application on suitable on PVC and many other surfaces
– Yield: about 2mq for each canister
User instructions:
– Use Easy Lak in ventilated places
– Wear a protective mask during application
– Keep out of reach of children
– The product is flammable
– Do not use the product in closed unventilated
– Pressurized container. Store in a dry place away from heat
– Dispose of empty container properly