Enable JavaScript
Warning! We noticed that Javascript is not required on this browser to purchase.
Enable JavaScript on Chrome
To enable JavaScript on Chrome, you first need to open your browser settings. Here click on the symbol with the three dots and select Settings from the menu that appears.
The Advanced button opens the options that are not initially visible, among which there is also the item Privacy and security. Click on Content Settings.
Enable JavaScript on Safari
If the browser you use is Safari, as often happens on devices such as Mac and iPhone, you still have the possibility to deactivate and reactivate JavaScript manually. To do this, once opened, click on the macOS menu bar on the Safari item and select Settings.
Under Security, which stands out for its castle-shaped symbol, you will find the settings for web content. To activate JavaScript on Safari, check the corresponding box.
Enable JavaScript in Firefox
To enable JavaScript on Firefox you must first open the browser’s hidden configuration menu. In addition to the normal adaptation changes, there are several, sometimes still experimental, options with which it would be better for the inexperienced user not to confront. This extra menu is opened by typing “about: config” in the search bar. If this is the first time you open the menu, Firefox reacts with a warning, which disappears only after confirming that you are aware of the possible risks (I accept the risks).
Enable JavaScript in Opera
Even in Opera JavaScript is enabled by default. If for some reason the programming language should be disabled, open the menu with the Opera icon and click on Settings. On the left side of the screen is the menu with the item Websites, which can be selected with a click of the mouse. At this point, look for the item “JavaScript” and select “Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended)”.
Enable JavaScript on Internet Explorer
Even if you rely on Internet Explorer to browse the web, you have the option to enable or disable JavaScript. Find the corresponding settings found under Internet Options, after clicking on the symbol with the shape of a cogwheel.
Then go to the Security tab, choose Internet and click on the Custom level button.
Under Active scripting (under the Scripting category) click Activate to activate JavaScript in Internet Explorer. By confirming the changes by clicking on OK, the browser responds with a message asking you to confirm that it wishes to adopt the changes.
Enable JavaScript on Microsoft Edge
Users of Windows 10 and its Microsoft Edge browser are faced with two peculiarities when it comes to activating or deactivating JavaScript: on the one hand, owners of the Home and Starter editions have no option to deactivate scripts in the programming language in the new browser from Microsoft; on the other hand, the configuration for all other users only works through the system settings (Group Policy) and not through the browser itself. To do this, the following steps are required:
– Use the search function and type Edit group policy.
– Double-click the Local Group Editor icon and access the “Microsoft Edge” folder by selecting the User Configuration item
– Choose Administration Templates and then Windows Components.
– Find the Microsoft Edge folder and open it.
– Double-click on Allow execution of scripts, such as Javascrip.
– Select Activateand confirm your choice with OK.